
How Keyword Research Analysis Can Increase Your Website SEO?

Are you looking for high-intent keywords? Are you interested in establishing a powerful keyword strategy that helps the target audience to find you faster? Is Keyword research and analysis hard for you?

Well, then here we have an eye-opening guide for you on the intent, techniques, tips, and tactics for doing a firm audience generating keyword search and analysis.

SEO has highly evolved in the last few years. Most of the best SEO service providers have understood the ability to rank well among competitors based on Keywords! People search every day on search engines. As a result, the dependency on better keywords in the content among SEO professionals is the ranking factor.

Before, we answer How Keyword Research Analysis Can Increase Your Website SEO? First, let’s understand;

What is Keyword Research?

“Keyword Research means Discovering relevant words that matter to your audience. Once you reach the audience, they reach you, and you start getting qualified traffic to your website.”

In keyword research, we find and analyze the best search terms that people are entering into the search engines for their search intent. The goal is to use the researched data for SEO purposes or general digital marketing.

Next, the Keyword analysis provides valuable insights into the queries of your target audience. These insights help in finding actual search terms, making content strategy, and framing a larger marketing strategy.

The online marketing backbone of a website’s success depends on understanding keywords/phrases and using them in your content pieces to create potential market strategies.

How to Research Keywords for SEO?

In this guide, I will lay out a keyword research and analysis process that would help you in developing a list of key phrases. Once you get the keywords, you must start targeting them in the content of your web content, landing pages, web pages, blog pages, social media posts, and more.

To drive qualified traffic to your site, you can do two things. First, you can hire SEO services online at affordable rates. Second, you can be sure to verify the basic elements into your search, i.e.,

  • Search Volume (select a keyword with high search volume)
  • Relevancy (select a keyword that matches your target audience needs, has moderate search volume)
  • Head Keywords (these are hard to rank and have high search volume)
  • Long-tail Keywords (lower competition, lower search volume, easier to rank).

How Customer Journey & User Intent Matches?

The stronger, easy-to-understand and more relevant your keywords are as per the users’ intent and their geographical location, the higher chances you get to potentially increase your website traffic.

This is a well-known fact. Therefore, add specific phrases to your keywords to help them match the potential customer search.

Focus on early-stage customers who consume content on your website. Keep your intent informational because it will increase your chances of conversion. Use keyword phrases such as Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

For middle-stage customers, create content that gives clarity to them around the service or the product. Add transactional intent in it. The middle-stage keyword phrases are Comparison, Best, Versus, and Better.

Similarly, the end-stage customers are the shoppers that convert into a sale or lead. All your keyword research and analysis had built up to this moment. Thus, your intent for such customers must be conversion-based!

# PRO TIP: It is difficult to find related and relevant words. But, the Google Keyword Planner makes it easy for you, and our research for this blog post is based on our experience of Google Keyword Planner.

# PRO TIP: Search your competitors’ data because it will increase your relevancy around the trending topics. Get to know what keywords your competitor is ranking for. Use them in your content. (They are most relevant)

Now, the main question is –

How to Combine All These In One Strategy?

To do a full keyword analysis and research from scratch, you will have to follow the below procedure:

  • TOPIC IDEATION – Find topics related to your web pages, those topics must connect to your audience. In other words, match the topic ideas to customers’ search intent.
  • DO KEYWORD EVALUATION – Keep search volume, intent, competition, and searcher’s mindset in your mind. Thus, keep adding intent phrases in the content.
  • DISCOVER KEYWORDS – Your keyword planning must be divided into three parts, i.e., Primary Keyword (target/focus keyword), Secondary keyword (supporting keyword, use in heading & subheading, quotes, sales pitch statements, taglines, catchy content statements, URLs), and TertiaryKeywords (moderate and low search volume content, used within the content)
  • Now, write the content!

Next is Content Optimization, which we will talk about in the next content. Thus, then keep monitoring your keyword ranks and audit all keywords every 15 days. Analyze the performance of the pages whether they are over-performing or underperforming.

Lastly, if this simple on-demand Keyword Research Analysis strategy doesn’t help you to increase your website SEO, then hire an SEO service company or experts.

Your final goal is that the content & keywords pay off for your business! If you are thinking of digital marketing for your business then get in touch with our experts over a 30-min free consultation call.

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